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KEEN glasses

KEEN glasses allow blind people to know when they are about to walk into something. They will know this because when they are about to walk into the wall the glasses will buzz and vibrate. This can buzz because on top of it are sensors. Sponsor a guide dog


Why have we made them?

We have made these glasses so people can be more confident when going out. We hope that people will go out more alone and feel free more free. It also allows people who are allergic to dogs they can have these glasses.

These are what we have used:

How did we make it?

We had to code it using python. It took us two hours and thirty minutes to code and make.

How to make one

The Raspberry pi 3 kits cost around £55 but if you don't have enough money to buy a kit why don't you buy one for cheaper? We specialy make these for blind people. These goggles made by us are £15. If you are interested within buying one of these devises please contact us (description below).

What did it look like when making?

We had to code the raspberry pi 3 to make it buzz and make a noise when they are close to a wall.

How we started.

What are hoping to achive?

We are hoping to change and help peoples lives by introducing our brand KEEN. Our brand name means that we are KEEN to help people and to make a difference. We hope that our brand can be recognized and noticed. We want KEEN glasses to be well known because it can help people who feel trapped because they are blind.

Can you help?

People are trying to find ways so no one has to be blind. If you realy care and want to make a difference please click on one of the sight below and donate. People are realying on you.


Donate now to RNIB!

Donate now to royalblind.org!

Donate now to RSBC now!

A first example of KEEN goggles!


Contact now! Email-KEENtoHELP101@gmail.com